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Profiling for streaming data

About Bytewax

Bytewax is an OSS stream processing framework designed specifically for Python developers.
It allows users to build streaming data pipelines and real-time applications with capabilities similar to Flink, Spark, and Kafka Streams, while providing a friendly and familiar interface and 100% compatibility with the Python ecosystem.

Stream processing with Bytewax and ydata-profiling

Data Profiling is key to a successful start of any machine learning task, and refers to the step of thoroughly understanding our data: its structure, behavior, and quality.
In a nutshell, data profiling involves analyzing aspects related to the data's format and basic descriptors (e.g., number of samples,
number/types of features, duplicate values), its intrinsic
characteristics (such as the presence of missing data or imbalanced features), and other complicating factors that may arise during data collection or processing (e.g., erroneous values or inconsistent

Package versions

The integration with bytewax is available for ydata-profiling with
any version >=3.0.0

Simulating a streaming

The below code serves to mimic a stream of data. This not require when streaming data sources are available.

from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone

from bytewax.dataflow import Dataflow
from bytewax.connectors.stdio import StdOutput
from bytewax.connectors.files import CSVInput
from bytewax.testing import run_main

Then, we define our dataflow object. Afterwards, we will use a stateless map method where we pass in a function to convert the string to a datetime object and restructure the data to the format (device_id, data). The map method will make the change to each data point in a stateless way. The reason we have modified the shape of our data is so that we can easily group the data in the next steps to profile data for each device separately rather than for all the devices simultaneously.

Setup a data stream
flow = Dataflow()
flow.input("simulated_stream", CSVInput("/content/iot_telemetry_data_1000"))

# parse timestamp
def parse_time(reading_data):
    reading_data["ts"] = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(reading_data["ts"]), timezone.utc)
    return reading_data

# remap format to tuple (device_id, reading_data) reading_data: (reading_data["device"], reading_data))

Now we will take advantage of the stateful capabilities of bytewax to gather data for each device over a duration of time that we have defined. ydata-profiling expects a snapshot of the data over time, which makes the window operator the perfect method to use to do this.

In ydata-profiling, we are able to produce summarizing statistics for a dataframe which is specified for a particular context. For instance, in this example, we can produce snapshots of data referring to each IoT device or to particular time frames:

Profile streaming snapshots

Profiling the different data snapshots
from bytewax.window import EventClockConfig, TumblingWindow

# This is the accumulator function, and outputs a list of readings
def acc_values(acc, reading):
    return acc

# This function instructs the event clock on how to retrieve the
# event's datetime from the input.
def get_time(reading):
    return reading["ts"]

# Configure the `fold_window` operator to use the event time.
cc = EventClockConfig(get_time, wait_for_system_duration=timedelta(seconds=30))

# And a tumbling window
align_to = datetime(2020, 1, 1, tzinfo=timezone.utc)
wc = TumblingWindow(align_to=align_to, length=timedelta(hours=1))

flow.fold_window("running_average", cc, wc, list, acc_values)


After the snapshots are defined, leveraging ydata-profiling is as simple as calling the ProfileReport for each of the dataframes we would like to analyze:

import pandas as pd
from ydata_profiling import ProfileReport

def profile(device_id__readings):
    device_id, readings = device_id__readings
    start_time = (
        .replace(minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
        .strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    df = pd.DataFrame(readings)
    profile = ProfileReport(
        df, tsmode=True, sortby="ts", title=f"Sensor Readings - device: {device_id}"

    return f"device {device_id} profiled at hour {start_time}"

In this example we are writing the images out to local files as part of a function in a map method. These could be reported out via a messaging tool, or we could save them to some remote storage in the future. Once the profile is complete, the dataflow expects some output so we can use the built-in [StdOutput]{.title-ref} to print the device that was profiled and the time it was profiled at that was passed out of the profile function in the map step:

flow.output("out", StdOutput())

There are multiple ways to execute Bytewax dataflows. In this example, we use the same local machine, but Bytewax can also run on multiple Python processes, across multiple hosts, in a Docker container, using a Kubernetes cluster, and more. In this example, we\'ll continue with a local setup, but we encourage you to check waxctl which manages Kubernetes dataflow deployments once your pipeline is ready to transition to production.

Assuming we are in the same directory as the file with the dataflow definition, we can run it using:

python -m ydata-profiling-streaming:flow

We can then use the profiling reports to validate the data quality, check for changes in schemas or data formats, and compare the data characteristics between different devices or time windows.

We can further leverage the comparison report functionality that highlights the differences between two data profiles in a straightforward manner, making it easier for us to detect important patterns that need to be investigated or issues that have to be addressed:

Comparing different streams
#Generate the profile for each stream
snapshot_a_report = ProfileReport(df_a, title="Snapshot A")
snapshot_b_report = ProfileReport(df_b, title="Snapshot B")

#Compare the generated profiles
comparison_report =

Now you're all set to start exploring your data streams! Bytewax takes care of all the processes necessary to handle and structure data streams into snapshots, which can then be summarized and compared with ydata-profiling through a comprehensive report of data characteristics.