Brought to you by YData
Dataset statistics
Number of variables | 27 |
Number of observations | 136916 |
Missing cells | 3 |
Missing cells (%) | < 0.1% |
Duplicate rows | 0 |
Duplicate rows (%) | 0.0% |
Total size in memory | 28.2 MiB |
Average record size in memory | 216.0 B |
Variable types
Categorical | 1 |
Text | 1 |
Numeric | 25 |
AANTAL_BSN is highly overall correlated with AANTAL_VERZEKERDEJAREN and 12 other fields | High correlation |
AANTAL_VERZEKERDEJAREN is highly overall correlated with AANTAL_BSN and 13 other fields | High correlation |
GESLACHT is highly overall correlated with AANTAL_BSN and 5 other fields | High correlation |
KOSTEN_FARMACIE is highly overall correlated with AANTAL_BSN and 12 other fields | High correlation |
KOSTEN_GENERALISTISCHE_BASIS_GGZ is highly overall correlated with AANTAL_BSN and 2 other fields | High correlation |
KOSTEN_GERIATRISCHE_REVALIDATIEZORG is highly overall correlated with KOSTEN_VERPLEGING_EN_VERZORGING and 1 other fields | High correlation |
KOSTEN_GRENSOVERSCHRIJDENDE_ZORG is highly overall correlated with AANTAL_BSN and 5 other fields | High correlation |
KOSTEN_HUISARTS_CONSULT is highly overall correlated with AANTAL_BSN and 14 other fields | High correlation |
KOSTEN_HUISARTS_INSCHRIJFTARIEF is highly overall correlated with AANTAL_BSN and 15 other fields | High correlation |
KOSTEN_HUISARTS_MDZ is highly overall correlated with KOSTEN_FARMACIE and 7 other fields | High correlation |
KOSTEN_HUISARTS_OVERIG is highly overall correlated with AANTAL_BSN and 13 other fields | High correlation |
KOSTEN_HULPMIDDELEN is highly overall correlated with AANTAL_BSN and 11 other fields | High correlation |
KOSTEN_KRAAMZORG is highly overall correlated with KOSTEN_VERLOSKUNDIGE_ZORG | High correlation |
KOSTEN_MEDISCH_SPECIALISTISCHE_ZORG is highly overall correlated with AANTAL_BSN and 13 other fields | High correlation |
KOSTEN_MONDZORG is highly overall correlated with AANTAL_VERZEKERDEJAREN and 3 other fields | High correlation |
KOSTEN_OVERIG is highly overall correlated with KOSTEN_FARMACIE and 6 other fields | High correlation |
KOSTEN_PARAMEDISCHE_ZORG_FYSIOTHERAPIE is highly overall correlated with AANTAL_BSN and 9 other fields | High correlation |
KOSTEN_PARAMEDISCHE_ZORG_OVERIG is highly overall correlated with AANTAL_BSN and 6 other fields | High correlation |
KOSTEN_SPECIALISTISCHE_GGZ is highly overall correlated with AANTAL_BSN and 4 other fields | High correlation |
KOSTEN_VERLOSKUNDIGE_ZORG is highly overall correlated with KOSTEN_KRAAMZORG | High correlation |
KOSTEN_VERPLEGING_EN_VERZORGING is highly overall correlated with KOSTEN_FARMACIE and 6 other fields | High correlation |
KOSTEN_ZIEKENVERVOER_LIGGEND is highly overall correlated with KOSTEN_FARMACIE and 9 other fields | High correlation |
KOSTEN_ZIEKENVERVOER_ZITTEND is highly overall correlated with KOSTEN_FARMACIE and 1 other fields | High correlation |
AANTAL_BSN is highly skewed (γ1 = 359.9627084) | Skewed |
AANTAL_VERZEKERDEJAREN is highly skewed (γ1 = 339.5691361) | Skewed |
KOSTEN_MEDISCH_SPECIALISTISCHE_ZORG is highly skewed (γ1 = 52.17140102) | Skewed |
KOSTEN_FARMACIE is highly skewed (γ1 = 29.41423327) | Skewed |
KOSTEN_SPECIALISTISCHE_GGZ is highly skewed (γ1 = 27.03511978) | Skewed |
KOSTEN_HUISARTS_INSCHRIJFTARIEF is highly skewed (γ1 = 190.2163179) | Skewed |
KOSTEN_HUISARTS_CONSULT is highly skewed (γ1 = 44.70295717) | Skewed |
KOSTEN_HUISARTS_OVERIG is highly skewed (γ1 = 195.4210711) | Skewed |
KOSTEN_ZIEKENVERVOER_LIGGEND is highly skewed (γ1 = 80.99502686) | Skewed |
KOSTEN_GENERALISTISCHE_BASIS_GGZ is highly skewed (γ1 = 26.69994527) | Skewed |
KOSTEN_GRENSOVERSCHRIJDENDE_ZORG is highly skewed (γ1 = 366.9142618) | Skewed |
KOSTEN_SPECIALISTISCHE_GGZ has 52814 (38.6%) zeros | Zeros |
KOSTEN_HUISARTS_MDZ has 11082 (8.1%) zeros | Zeros |
KOSTEN_HULPMIDDELEN has 6525 (4.8%) zeros | Zeros |
KOSTEN_MONDZORG has 27688 (20.2%) zeros | Zeros |
KOSTEN_PARAMEDISCHE_ZORG_FYSIOTHERAPIE has 29337 (21.4%) zeros | Zeros |
KOSTEN_PARAMEDISCHE_ZORG_OVERIG has 22856 (16.7%) zeros | Zeros |
KOSTEN_ZIEKENVERVOER_ZITTEND has 88328 (64.5%) zeros | Zeros |
KOSTEN_ZIEKENVERVOER_LIGGEND has 32887 (24.0%) zeros | Zeros |
KOSTEN_KRAAMZORG has 119707 (87.4%) zeros | Zeros |
KOSTEN_VERLOSKUNDIGE_ZORG has 118983 (86.9%) zeros | Zeros |
KOSTEN_GENERALISTISCHE_BASIS_GGZ has 75148 (54.9%) zeros | Zeros |
KOSTEN_LANGDURIGE_GGZ has 134601 (98.3%) zeros | Zeros |
KOSTEN_GRENSOVERSCHRIJDENDE_ZORG has 53547 (39.1%) zeros | Zeros |
KOSTEN_EERSTELIJNS_ONDERSTEUNING has 58122 (42.5%) zeros | Zeros |
KOSTEN_GERIATRISCHE_REVALIDATIEZORG has 113073 (82.6%) zeros | Zeros |
KOSTEN_VERPLEGING_EN_VERZORGING has 63022 (46.0%) zeros | Zeros |
KOSTEN_OVERIG has 48825 (35.7%) zeros | Zeros |
Analysis started | 2024-10-29 15:17:11.045870 |
Analysis finished | 2024-10-29 15:18:29.481639 |
Duration | 1 minute and 18.44 seconds |
Software version | ydata-profiling v0.0.dev0 |
Download configuration | config.json |
High correlation 
Distinct | 2 |
Distinct (%) | < 0.1% |
Missing | 1 |
Missing (%) | < 0.1% |
Memory size | 1.0 MiB |
V | |
M |
Common Values
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
V | 68671 | |
M | 68244 | |
(Missing) | 1 | < 0.1% |
Common Values (Plot)
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
v | 68671 | |
m | 68244 |
Most occurring characters
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
V | 68671 | |
M | 68244 |
Most occurring categories
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
(unknown) | 136915 |
Most frequent character per category
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
V | 68671 | |
M | 68244 |
Most occurring scripts
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
(unknown) | 136915 |
Most frequent character per script
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
V | 68671 | |
M | 68244 |
Most occurring blocks
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
(unknown) | 136915 |
Most frequent character per block
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
V | 68671 | |
M | 68244 |
Distinct | 91 |
Distinct (%) | 0.1% |
Missing | 1 |
Missing (%) | < 0.1% |
Memory size | 1.0 MiB |
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
54 | 1562 | 1.1% |
48 | 1559 | 1.1% |
57 | 1559 | 1.1% |
52 | 1558 | 1.1% |
55 | 1558 | 1.1% |
50 | 1558 | 1.1% |
47 | 1557 | 1.1% |
51 | 1556 | 1.1% |
60 | 1556 | 1.1% |
49 | 1556 | 1.1% |
Other values (81) | 121336 |
Most occurring characters
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
5 | 29124 | |
1 | 29067 | |
6 | 29022 | |
4 | 29012 | |
3 | 28759 | |
2 | 28743 | |
7 | 28500 | |
8 | 26575 | |
0 | 15142 | |
9 | 14724 |
Most occurring categories
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
(unknown) | 260102 |
Most frequent character per category
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
5 | 29124 | |
1 | 29067 | |
6 | 29022 | |
4 | 29012 | |
3 | 28759 | |
2 | 28743 | |
7 | 28500 | |
8 | 26575 | |
0 | 15142 | |
9 | 14724 |
Most occurring scripts
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
(unknown) | 260102 |
Most frequent character per script
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
5 | 29124 | |
1 | 29067 | |
6 | 29022 | |
4 | 29012 | |
3 | 28759 | |
2 | 28743 | |
7 | 28500 | |
8 | 26575 | |
0 | 15142 | |
9 | 14724 |
Most occurring blocks
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
(unknown) | 260102 |
Most frequent character per block
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
5 | 29124 | |
1 | 29067 | |
6 | 29022 | |
4 | 29012 | |
3 | 28759 | |
2 | 28743 | |
7 | 28500 | |
8 | 26575 | |
0 | 15142 | |
9 | 14724 |
Real number (ℝ)
Distinct | 794 |
Distinct (%) | 0.6% |
Missing | 1 |
Missing (%) | < 0.1% |
Infinite | 0 |
Infinite (%) | 0.0% |
Mean | 541.17856 |
Minimum | 0 |
Maximum | 999 |
Zeros | 182 |
Zeros (%) | 0.1% |
Negative | 0 |
Negative (%) | 0.0% |
Memory size | 1.0 MiB |
Quantile statistics
Minimum | 0 |
5-th percentile | 144 |
Q1 | 318 |
median | 539 |
Q3 | 763 |
95-th percentile | 955 |
Maximum | 999 |
Range | 999 |
Interquartile range (IQR) | 445 |
Descriptive statistics
Standard deviation | 258.22974 |
Coefficient of variation (CV) | 0.47716181 |
Kurtosis | -1.1671681 |
Mean | 541.17856 |
Median Absolute Deviation (MAD) | 223 |
Skewness | 0.035766181 |
Sum | 74095462 |
Variance | 66682.597 |
Monotonicity | Not monotonic |
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
998 | 182 | 0.1% |
993 | 182 | 0.1% |
990 | 182 | 0.1% |
135 | 182 | 0.1% |
133 | 182 | 0.1% |
132 | 182 | 0.1% |
131 | 182 | 0.1% |
127 | 182 | 0.1% |
126 | 182 | 0.1% |
125 | 182 | 0.1% |
Other values (784) | 135095 |
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
0 | 182 | |
101 | 182 | |
102 | 182 | |
103 | 182 | |
104 | 16 | < 0.1% |
105 | 182 | |
106 | 182 | |
107 | 182 | |
108 | 182 | |
109 | 182 |
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
999 | 166 | |
998 | 182 | |
997 | 172 | |
996 | 176 | |
995 | 180 | |
994 | 171 | |
993 | 182 | |
992 | 84 | |
991 | 174 | |
990 | 182 |
Real number (ℝ)
High correlation  Skewed 
Distinct | 1126 |
Distinct (%) | 0.8% |
Missing | 0 |
Missing (%) | 0.0% |
Infinite | 0 |
Infinite (%) | 0.0% |
Mean | 127.83875 |
Minimum | 10 |
Maximum | 356551 |
Zeros | 0 |
Zeros (%) | 0.0% |
Negative | 0 |
Negative (%) | 0.0% |
Memory size | 1.0 MiB |
Quantile statistics
Minimum | 10 |
5-th percentile | 16 |
Q1 | 41 |
median | 82 |
Q3 | 163 |
95-th percentile | 381 |
Maximum | 356551 |
Range | 356541 |
Interquartile range (IQR) | 122 |
Descriptive statistics
Standard deviation | 972.15351 |
Coefficient of variation (CV) | 7.6045294 |
Kurtosis | 131972.19 |
Mean | 127.83875 |
Median Absolute Deviation (MAD) | 50 |
Skewness | 359.96271 |
Sum | 17503170 |
Variance | 945082.45 |
Monotonicity | Not monotonic |
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
19 | 1161 | 0.8% |
21 | 1148 | 0.8% |
29 | 1147 | 0.8% |
22 | 1140 | 0.8% |
28 | 1140 | 0.8% |
20 | 1137 | 0.8% |
18 | 1133 | 0.8% |
33 | 1128 | 0.8% |
35 | 1127 | 0.8% |
30 | 1123 | 0.8% |
Other values (1116) | 125532 |
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
10 | 1022 | |
11 | 1034 | |
12 | 1078 | |
13 | 1066 | |
14 | 1066 | |
15 | 1081 | |
16 | 1095 | |
17 | 1102 | |
18 | 1133 | |
19 | 1161 |
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
356551 | 1 | |
2311 | 1 | |
2292 | 1 | |
2232 | 1 | |
2130 | 1 | |
2125 | 1 | |
2097 | 1 | |
2020 | 1 | |
2019 | 1 | |
1982 | 1 |
Real number (ℝ)
High correlation  Skewed 
Distinct | 34846 |
Distinct (%) | 25.5% |
Missing | 0 |
Missing (%) | 0.0% |
Infinite | 0 |
Infinite (%) | 0.0% |
Mean | 124.52548 |
Minimum | 3.09 |
Maximum | 196219.74 |
Zeros | 0 |
Zeros (%) | 0.0% |
Negative | 0 |
Negative (%) | 0.0% |
Memory size | 1.0 MiB |
Quantile statistics
Minimum | 3.09 |
5-th percentile | 15.27 |
Q1 | 40 |
median | 81 |
Q3 | 160.34 |
95-th percentile | 376.0325 |
Maximum | 196219.74 |
Range | 196216.65 |
Interquartile range (IQR) | 120.34 |
Descriptive statistics
Standard deviation | 545.37184 |
Coefficient of variation (CV) | 4.3796005 |
Kurtosis | 122082.86 |
Mean | 124.52548 |
Median Absolute Deviation (MAD) | 50 |
Skewness | 339.56914 |
Sum | 17049530 |
Variance | 297430.44 |
Monotonicity | Not monotonic |
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
12 | 749 | 0.5% |
11 | 738 | 0.5% |
19 | 718 | 0.5% |
21 | 710 | 0.5% |
15 | 707 | 0.5% |
10 | 704 | 0.5% |
16 | 703 | 0.5% |
14 | 701 | 0.5% |
13 | 689 | 0.5% |
18 | 682 | 0.5% |
Other values (34836) | 129815 |
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
3.09 | 1 | |
3.95 | 1 | |
4.1 | 1 | |
4.33 | 1 | |
4.47 | 1 | |
4.55 | 1 | |
4.6 | 1 | |
4.7 | 1 | |
4.71 | 1 | |
4.75 | 2 |
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
196219.74 | 1 | |
2220.62 | 1 | |
2191.36 | 1 | |
2130.01 | 1 | |
2047.13 | 1 | |
2044.54 | 1 | |
2015.59 | 1 | |
1935.15 | 1 | |
1920.07 | 1 | |
1888.45 | 1 |
Real number (ℝ)
High correlation  Skewed 
Distinct | 136549 |
Distinct (%) | 99.7% |
Missing | 0 |
Missing (%) | 0.0% |
Infinite | 0 |
Infinite (%) | 0.0% |
Mean | 165218.8 |
Minimum | -7777 |
Maximum | 46978767 |
Zeros | 19 |
Zeros (%) | < 0.1% |
Negative | 1 |
Negative (%) | < 0.1% |
Memory size | 1.0 MiB |
Quantile statistics
Minimum | -7777 |
5-th percentile | 6303.62 |
Q1 | 32441.967 |
median | 88496.32 |
Q3 | 215527.94 |
95-th percentile | 576265.55 |
Maximum | 46978767 |
Range | 46986544 |
Interquartile range (IQR) | 183085.97 |
Descriptive statistics
Standard deviation | 246118.06 |
Coefficient of variation (CV) | 1.4896492 |
Kurtosis | 9567.9535 |
Mean | 165218.8 |
Median Absolute Deviation (MAD) | 68699.18 |
Skewness | 52.171401 |
Sum | 2.2621098 × 1010 |
Variance | 6.0574099 × 1010 |
Monotonicity | Not monotonic |
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
0 | 19 | < 0.1% |
10727.73 | 2 | < 0.1% |
84062.81 | 2 | < 0.1% |
47971.66 | 2 | < 0.1% |
12525.43 | 2 | < 0.1% |
14471.36 | 2 | < 0.1% |
14029.62 | 2 | < 0.1% |
12914.14 | 2 | < 0.1% |
174692.61 | 2 | < 0.1% |
9696.57 | 2 | < 0.1% |
Other values (136539) | 136879 |
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
-7777 | 1 | < 0.1% |
0 | 19 | |
12.52 | 1 | < 0.1% |
23 | 1 | < 0.1% |
25.71 | 1 | < 0.1% |
31.35 | 1 | < 0.1% |
32.76 | 1 | < 0.1% |
38.36 | 1 | < 0.1% |
39.38 | 1 | < 0.1% |
48.52 | 1 | < 0.1% |
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
46978766.76 | 1 | |
4462180.08 | 1 | |
4142347.5 | 1 | |
3839430.5 | 1 | |
3616606.71 | 1 | |
3608489.09 | 1 | |
3254328.15 | 1 | |
3132180.45 | 1 | |
3086536 | 1 | |
2956602.55 | 1 |
Real number (ℝ)
High correlation  Skewed 
Distinct | 134842 |
Distinct (%) | 98.5% |
Missing | 0 |
Missing (%) | 0.0% |
Infinite | 0 |
Infinite (%) | 0.0% |
Mean | 33974.632 |
Minimum | 14.11 |
Maximum | 8368957.1 |
Zeros | 0 |
Zeros (%) | 0.0% |
Negative | 0 |
Negative (%) | 0.0% |
Memory size | 1.0 MiB |
Quantile statistics
Minimum | 14.11 |
5-th percentile | 906.0675 |
Q1 | 4957.82 |
median | 15929.88 |
Q3 | 43154.03 |
95-th percentile | 125922.99 |
Maximum | 8368957.1 |
Range | 8368943 |
Interquartile range (IQR) | 38196.21 |
Descriptive statistics
Standard deviation | 54331.6 |
Coefficient of variation (CV) | 1.5991814 |
Kurtosis | 4067.4161 |
Mean | 33974.632 |
Median Absolute Deviation (MAD) | 13287.735 |
Skewness | 29.414233 |
Sum | 4.6516707 × 109 |
Variance | 2.9519227 × 109 |
Monotonicity | Not monotonic |
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
2848.8 | 3 | < 0.1% |
972.28 | 3 | < 0.1% |
3227.15 | 3 | < 0.1% |
2911.12 | 3 | < 0.1% |
28952.86 | 3 | < 0.1% |
6985.33 | 3 | < 0.1% |
7758.7 | 3 | < 0.1% |
1991.88 | 3 | < 0.1% |
2306.41 | 3 | < 0.1% |
1102.83 | 3 | < 0.1% |
Other values (134832) | 136886 |
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
14.11 | 1 | |
14.14 | 1 | |
14.16 | 1 | |
14.32 | 1 | |
14.98 | 1 | |
15 | 1 | |
16.26 | 1 | |
16.32 | 1 | |
16.83 | 1 | |
19.87 | 1 |
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
8368957.11 | 1 | |
1231629.74 | 1 | |
1166271.42 | 1 | |
1147381.84 | 1 | |
1015539.56 | 1 | |
970984.66 | 1 | |
927593.72 | 1 | |
923080.7 | 1 | |
904922.34 | 1 | |
892637.9 | 1 |
Real number (ℝ)
High correlation  Skewed  Zeros 
Distinct | 69094 |
Distinct (%) | 50.5% |
Missing | 0 |
Missing (%) | 0.0% |
Infinite | 0 |
Infinite (%) | 0.0% |
Mean | 21524.512 |
Minimum | -66348.6 |
Maximum | 7669881.8 |
Zeros | 52814 |
Zeros (%) | 38.6% |
Negative | 5 |
Negative (%) | < 0.1% |
Memory size | 1.0 MiB |
Quantile statistics
Minimum | -66348.6 |
5-th percentile | 0 |
Q1 | 0 |
median | 2561.32 |
Q3 | 19746.377 |
95-th percentile | 108695.9 |
Maximum | 7669881.8 |
Range | 7736230.4 |
Interquartile range (IQR) | 19746.377 |
Descriptive statistics
Standard deviation | 51905.62 |
Coefficient of variation (CV) | 2.4114655 |
Kurtosis | 3468.2366 |
Mean | 21524.512 |
Median Absolute Deviation (MAD) | 2561.32 |
Skewness | 27.03512 |
Sum | 2.9470501 × 109 |
Variance | 2.6941934 × 109 |
Monotonicity | Not monotonic |
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
0 | 52814 | |
616.73 | 181 | 0.1% |
1109.94 | 163 | 0.1% |
2502.32 | 145 | 0.1% |
1028.98 | 125 | 0.1% |
2500.54 | 106 | 0.1% |
2450.72 | 98 | 0.1% |
585.66 | 93 | 0.1% |
635.02 | 88 | 0.1% |
320.74 | 87 | 0.1% |
Other values (69084) | 83016 |
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
-66348.6 | 1 | < 0.1% |
-56879.22 | 1 | < 0.1% |
-28221.91 | 1 | < 0.1% |
-17118.93 | 1 | < 0.1% |
-15556.56 | 1 | < 0.1% |
0 | 52814 | |
26.95 | 1 | < 0.1% |
95.8 | 1 | < 0.1% |
99.88 | 1 | < 0.1% |
102.26 | 1 | < 0.1% |
Value | Count | Frequency (%) |
7669881.83 | 1 | |
1160281.64 | 1 | |
910582.08 | 1 | |
890716.44 | 1 | |
857109.74 | 1 | |
847733.64 | 1 | |
830797.11 | 1 | |
810819 | 1 | |
808372.35 | 1 | |
775105.51 | 1 |
Real number (ℝ)
High correlation  Skewed 
Distinct | 35375 |
Distinct (%) | 25.8% |
Missing | 0 |
Missing (%) | 0.0% |
Infinite | 0 |
Infinite (%) | 0.0% |
Mean | 8055.8898 |
Minimum | 59.96 |
Maximum | 3973069.5 |
Zeros | 0 |
Zeros (%) | 0.0% |
Negative | 0 |
Negative (%) | 0.0% |
Memory size | 1.0 MiB |
Quantile statistics
Minimum | 59.96 |
5-th percentile | 1074 |
Q1 | 2698.2 |
median | 5456.36 |
Q3 | 10611.45 |
95-th percentile | 23699.993 |
Maximum | 3973069.5 |
Range | 3973009.5 |
Interquartile range (IQR) | 7913.25 |
Descriptive statistics
Standard deviation | 13390.557 |
Coefficient of variation (CV) | 1.662207 |
Kurtosis | 56149.538 |
Mean | 8055.8898 |
Median Absolute Deviation (MAD) | 3327.78 |
Skewness | 190.21632 |
Sum | 1.1029802 × 109 |
Variance | 1.7930701 × 108 |
Monotonicity | Not monotonic |