Contribution Guidelines
Contributing a new feature
- Open a new GitHub pull request with the patch.
- Ensure the PR description clearly describes the problem and solution. Include the relevant issue number if applicable.
Development tooling
To ease the development cycle, some tools are available. These can be
called from the root directory with the make
The following commands are supported:
Contribution quality standards
To guarantee a high quality of the contributed code, the project workflow validates the added modification as well as the introduced commit messages. The same mechanisms are used locally to find and solve existing issues before submitting a pull request.
To activate the local mechanisms (created using pre-commit hooks), run the following commands:
Git workflow
The Git workflow used in this project is based on this blog post. Using this workflow allows for better collaboration between contributors and automation of repetitive tasks.
In addition to the workflow described in the blog post, Github Actions lints the code automatically on the release branches and builds documentation from each push to the master branch. For now, we don\'t use hotfix branches.
Branch naming:
- develop: development branch
- master: master branch
- feat/[FEATURE NAME]: feature branches
- docs/[branch name]: documentation and examples
Contributor License Agreement (CLA)
This package does not have a Contributor License Agreement (CLA), as the GitHub Terms of Service provides a sensible explicit default:
Whenever you make a contribution to a repository containing notice of a license, you license your contribution under the same terms, and you agree that you have the right to license your contribution under those terms.
Read Github\'s open source legal guide for further details.
Discord Data-centric community
The community is low-threshold place to ask questions regarding development and contributing. Join the Discord community.
More information
Read more on getting involved in the Contribution Guide available on GitHub.